Friday, November 29, 2013

43) Hawaii - 29th November

Two weeks ago I had written off Leigh-Ann's "List for Life" as being too ambitious.

Swimming with dolphins, cuddling a chimpanzee, going to Cuba...

Two weeks ago Leigh-Ann needed to be dressed, two of us had to help her climb the stairs and she could not walk across the room. Most of the day was spent laying on the sofa in a semi comatose state.

Today Leigh-Ann came with me to our regular Friday appointment with her nurse practitioner in Agassiz and asked her whether she thought that we could go to Hawaii our belated honeymoon.

Incredibly Marie, said "Why not?" I was gobsmacked. Why didn't she say "No, don't be ridiculous!". 

I thought that she would at least advise us against it. But Marie is not the usual "nurse". She also understands how important it is for Leigh-Ann to carry on "living" and not simply "existing".

Being an eternal pessimist, I was worried about how I would cope with a terminally ill wife flying for 6 hours plus transfers to a hotel in Hawaii from little Harrison. Just travelling to the airport in Vancouver takes 2 1/2 hours. 

I think I will drug her without her knowing, (unless she reads this blog), so she sleeps all the way there.

What would we do if she suddenly became really ill. We would have no health insurance. It could be disastrous.

At least we will get assistance at the airport and have a helper push her in a wheelchair and get on the plane first! We might even get a ride on a "golf" buggy...

Leigh-Ann is by no means back to her former self but she is a lot better. We know that the cancer is still spreading. We know that she does not have a long time to live. She still has very little energy, eats tiny amounts and needs a wheelchair but mentally she is 100% and she wants to have a honeymoon and so do I. One night in the Harrison Hot Springs Hotel just wasn't enough. She deserves more.

Leigh-Ann wants to feel the warmth on her body and the sand in her toes. She wants to sit under a palm tree and watch the surf rolling in. She wants a tan before she "checks out", (Leigh-Ann's words not mine.)

So we are planning to trade in the cold and the damp of British Columbia for the warm breeze and sunshine of Hawaii for what may be Leigh-Ann's last holiday. Aloha!

I say maybe because we have also talked about returning to Nerja and get back the life that we so much enjoyed before the Big "C" took it away.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing all your feelings, thoughts and emotions with us. I truly admire the way you and Leigh-Ann are dealing with what life has given you. Remmert and I think about you both a lot, and realize more and more that it are the little things in life that can be so important and valuable.... (Like all kids at home for the Friday Evening and having great dinner conversations). Big Dutch hugs from both of us....

  2. I'm excited for both of you!!!!
    When are you leaving for Hawaii?
    The warmth of Hawaii and a sun tan sounds great Leigh-Ann!!!!
    love you and big hugs to you!!!!

  3. Wow Hawaii..Nerja both are amazing! The weather here today on our terrace is 26 degrees in the sun and it's only 11am! Where ever you decide to go I know you will both have an amazing time because you have each other xx

  4. That is just wonderful, yes Leigh-Ann live one day at time and do what you want to do. Steve thank you so much for loving her as you do. I have so much admiration for both of you. Just pray I can be as brave as she is if I am ever in that position. She is my Hero.

  5. If you want dolphins in Hawaii.... Lesia found this tour company that was a great family run affair, and did swim with wild dolphins when there in August. I would highly recommend it if you end up on Oahu, great people. Watch out for other companies in that same area though, they were chaos and did not seem as respectful of the dolphins.

    Great to talk to the ladies yesterday, next time Liam and I will put on PJs too.
