Wednesday, November 27, 2013

41) Women!? - 27th November

You have been given a few weeks or, at best, a few months to live. 

You don't have the energy to walk to the end of the street. 
You cannot drive. 
You have no appetite and are losing weight fast. 
You have to take pills every 4 hours. 

Your "Bucket List" is now too ambitious. Swimming with dolphins, holidaying in Cuba, sky-diving, driving a Formula 1 car, meeting Richard Gere and having another baby. 

None of this is now possible.
Flick and Lucy joined us for lunch
So, what do you do?

Go clothes shopping and get your hair styled and coloured? Buy new shoes that you might wear once? Get a pedicure and a manicure? Have a body exfoliation? (that's next week). 

Why would you do any of this? 

Is there a fashion and beauty angel up there that decides who gets into heaven? Is Leigh-Ann worried that she might be sent back to earth?

Since we arrived in Canada Leigh-Ann has done all these things. As a man I cannot understand the logic. Is there any logic. Probably not. Men would certainly be more practical.

As time has passed I have noticed little things that are so feminine, so Leigh-Ann. 

I love her for her femininity.
Earla and Flick
deciding who will pay
Lucy gets a cuddle


  1. Hello Leigh-Ann:
    I've been thinking about you alot today and wondered what you decided to do today!!!! I'm so happy that it's sunny out these days!!!!
    Earla sent me copies of the pictures that she took while I came and visited you!!!! They're beautiful!!!!
    We had a big 21st birthday party for my niece Melisa Ashley!!!! She's going to Los Vegas tomorrow for 5 days and she's pretty excited!!!! She's going with a friend and she has a friend that lives there as well!!!! Of course I gave her moola for her trip!!!!

  2. Hey Leigh-Ann..didn't our mothers always tell us always to have clean undies on when we leave the's a girlie Steve us ladies always have to be on top of our grooming and this includes top to toe massage at least once a week!
    I'm so pleased to hear the medication and all the love we are all sending across the seas is kicking in and you are able to get out and about and I hope up to loads of mischief xxx

  3. What wonderful news to hear your medication is working and giving you some improved quality of life Leigh Ann. Stay strong and continue to enjoy every day doing all you can. You may have to revise your bucket list a little but every additional day you spend with Steve and all your loving family around you is a bonus. As you know all your friends are following you every day and are sending their love, strength, hugs and kisses your way. We hope you continue reaching for the goals you can achieve for as long as possible. Stay strong and positive like the vibes we are all sending to you. Lots of love from a rather mild Northern England. I'm off to Leeds with Caroline for the weekend to do some Xmas shopping and retail therapy. L oxoxox
