Thursday, November 14, 2013

30) The Counsellor - 14th November

I knew a few days ago that I needed to "talk" to someone. Leigh-Ann, her sister, Earla and daughter, Sarah have been seeing a lady called Darlene for many years for spiritual healing. She is a "channeller". I am not entirely sure what that means but she is able to communicate with "Guides" from the "other side".

Like probably many men I am a cynic when it comes to this sort of thing but I am also open to being proven wrong. Regardless, in the situation I find myself in, I needed to talk to someone whatever their beliefs so I went to meet Darlene with Earla today.
Happy Days in Valencia 2013

She told me that I have three "Guides" and they were looking after me. She told me that I am very "guarded" and protective of my feelings and wants me to open up just a little. She is right, of course.

It wasn't as weird as I thought it would be and I found it really beneficial. She is a very wise person. How she got to have all this wisdom is a mystery to me but she made a lot of sense and helped me understand and accept what was happening and made me realise that the thoughts that I was having were normal.

Marrying a person that you know will soon die is strange but I love Leigh-Ann very much and this is a fitting end to what has been a wonderful, life changing relationship.

She has changed me for the better, she has made me happy and shown me what true love is all about. I have never met anyone as kind, as generous, as forgiving, as understanding and as loving as Leigh-Ann. She s truly a remarkable person with a truly remarkable family around her.

Being Leigh-Ann's husband for even a few weeks or months is a privilege and not my right. I feel very, very lucky to have the chance to be her husband for whatever time we have left together.


  1. Anyone that has had the privilege to meet your lovely 'wife' is blessed ! Leigh-Ann and I connected on the first second of our first meeting. I can not get her lovely smile out of my head !! I feel so deeply for you all ! For my new 'best friend' I would like to say.... that I will meet you again soon... over the rainbow !!! XXX

  2. Steve I must say you have been just as much a blessing to Leigh-Ann as she has to you. You are both deserving of each other, just wish we could be there to witness the union of your hearts as one. Be sure to let us know when it is going to be.
