Wednesday, November 6, 2013

24) The Oncologist - 6th November

A call from the Doctor today confirmed an appointment with the oncologist for 26th November!

We were told that urgent cases would be seen within 5 - 10 days.

Leigh-Ann with Great Nephew Fraser
After protesting that waiting another three weeks was just too much to bear the doctor tried again and succeeded in obtaining one for this Friday at 12:30 in Abbotsford at the Cancer Clinic.

Meanwhile Leigh-Ann's new medication is just not doing the job so we are returning it and exchanging it for something stronger.

Apart from that it's been a relatively good day. 
Leigh-Ann managed to go shopping for a few clothes she needed. We brought so few clothes with us due to the speed with which we left Spain.

All her family are delighted with the wedding news and we have started to plan where and when. My daughter, Felicity is going to fly over, hopefully this weekend. My son, Oliver is in Thailand right now and lives in Australia so it is just not possible for him to get here in time.

I will post the date and venue as soon as I know the full details.

I am looking forward to being a part of Leigh-Ann's family.

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