Wednesday, November 13, 2013

29) Palliative Care - 13th November

Today was a very long day but it's not been all doom and gloom...

It started with an 8:30 am appointment with Leigh-Ann's family Doctor in Chilliwack, Lori Laughland.

She has known Leigh-Ann for 20 years.

We needed to visit her because she has "hospital and hospice rights" whereas her Nurse, Mari, does not. This means that if Leigh-Ann is admitted into either one Lori can visit and give orders!

Lori also needed us to complete a "MOST" which is a declaration stating what type of medical intervention she wants when the time requires it. As her "Medical Power of Attorney" I also have the right to request that some or no intervention takes place when the time comes.

This would be a scary thing for me to choose but Leigh-Ann has made it easy for me by being certain that she does not want any "heroics" when the time comes and wants to die naturally. I have to follow her wishes.
Cascade Hospice, Chilliwack

Leigh-Ann has also decided against any alternative therapies including chemotherapy. She knows that none of this will save her life.

Afterwards, Earla, Sarah and myself visited the Cascade Hospice in Chilliwack where she might spend her last days. It is a wonderful place and the nurse that showed us around was just delightful and reassuring. Their philosophy is totally focused on keeping the individual comfortable and pain free.

The hospice is only an option if it is really needed as Leigh-Ann really wants to die at home.

Just after lunch we had a visit from a Care Nurse, Jeannette. Earla has known Jeannette since she was a child so that was a good start. Jeannette and her colleague, Danni, are on call whenever we need them for advice, equipment or a home visit.

Finally, Dr Bull visited the house. He is a pain specialist and was able to advise and prescribe some better medications for Leigh-Ann which we acquired this evening. One concern we had was trying to make her feel as good as possible for her wedding. Dr Bull suggested that we call him on the morning of the wedding and then he would make arrangements with the ER at Chilliwack hospital to take her in without queuing and give her some saline and morphine to make her feel as good as she can be on the day!

The care and attention that she is getting is just amazing. 

Leigh-Ann remains mentally strong but now finds the stairs a challenge and needs to steady herself when walking across the room. She has a dry mouth, always feels thirsty and finds eating anything difficult. Concentrating is sometimes difficult but she retains a great sense of humour. Oh, and she is starting to be really bossy!
This is Harrison at Tim Horton's

I almost forget to say that Leigh-Ann now has beautiful dress for her wedding (we just need to buy her some shoes now). Photos to follow.

Whilst I write this she is sitting on the sofa reading and sitting next to her daughter. 

I think we are going to watch an episode of Downton Abbey tonight.

So it's been a busy day but a good day.

We all just love her to bits.


  1. I first met Leigh-Ann also at Cosmos at Burriana Beach a number of year ago. We went to Spanish classes together with Anna. I have loved her since I first met her. What she is going through now has deeply effected myself and my husband and our hearts are with her and Steve through it all. Thank you both for including us in this journey with you. It is sure to be a sad one but also one of learning just how strong love and friendship is and can be. Looking forward to sharing the wedding day with you all. Leigh-Ann you have been a blessing to many and we thank you for being our friend.

  2. Leigh-Ann you are the epitome of what a woman should be. Beautiful, articulate, intelligent, inspirational and someone that I personally inspire to be like !!! We had a very short yet ( for me ) and I hope for you also .. rewarding time spent together !!! I can not get your energy and smile out of my mind. You have inspired me to push on and do what I can.... to help other animal lovers such as you understand and hopefully change the future for both dogs and owners !!! My work is difficult and frustrating at times, I wish all clients were like you .You my dear friend you are my inspiration to carry on ! Love Wendy. X The Dog Academy! XXXX
