Saturday, November 16, 2013

31) Home Caring - 16th November

I now appreciate the demands of caring for someone who is very ill in the home. Trying to do this alone or when much older myself would be difficult or impossible.

Seeing the person you love fading is hard and sometimes you need others to stay focused on the care needs when emotions fog your mind.

Leigh-Ann's care needs are growing almost daily and the team we have created in the house here makes it much easier especially when the unexpected occurs. We have all found our roles.

Felicity and Dad
Yesterday I went to our usual appointment with Marie, her nurse practitioner, and having discussed how Leigh-Ann is doing Marie was concerned that she might have an obstruction in her bowel which could cause problems so she referred her for an x-ray and blood test.

The same day my daughter, Felicity, and Earla's son Andre were arriving by plane at two different airports at different times. We also had to collect a wheelchair before midday.

The household care team worked out the logistics and everything was accomplished.

Leigh-Ann is now becoming less lucid. Her cognitive skills are diminishing. She gets confused and finds it hard to take in information or answer questions responsively. She has tremors whilst asleep and is much weaker. All this has happened in the last few days and probably as a result of the pain medication.

The Dress!
She collapsed three times at the entrance to the X-Ray office. That was scary, very scary. I was on my own with her and she fell like a "dead weight". My reaction was to pick her up immediately and she fell again and again. I should have left her on the floor and got help but I just wanted her to stand, to be well.

Sarah managed to borrow a wheelchair and we used it to get her from the X-Ray department to the blood test and then back home. 

She is now very unsteady on her feet and so the wheelchair will be essential in the future.

Everything is organised for the wedding tomorrow. We are picking up the flowers this afternoon. All the family arrives in Harrison tomorrow morning.

The officials have been booked and the reception fixed at a local venue.

She looks beautiful in her wedding dress...


  1. Que vestido más bonito... Va a ser la novia más bonita del año!!! Os deseo un día maravilloso e inolvidable!!! Estoy deseando ver la foto!!

  2. Be sure to post the photos. Have a wonderful day the both of you. Give her our love and let her know we will be thinking of you both tomorrow.

  3. Sending you love and hugs Leigh-Ann and to all of your family & Steve!!!!
    I will be singing our traditional potlatch songs tomorrow in honor of your wedding!!!!
    What time is it at so I can sing while your ceremony is going on!!!!

    I would like to come and spent time with you Leigh-Ann!!!!
    Sending love and light to you all!!!!

  4. Much love to both of you on your wedding day. Congratulations!

    Jon and Lou

  5. Hi Steve I have just heard the news and have read through your inspiring blog. I know first hand what you are going through , I send you strength... for Liegh-anne I send a big hug and kisses. You are both so blessed to have found each other. Xxxx

  6. Just trying to send a message to see if I have managed to sign onto your blog.

  7. Well I have amazed myself ... Being a techno nerd ... Wasn't sure if I had managed to sign in but hey ho .... I'm getting to be a whiz? Anyhow just want to send you both best wishes and all the love in the world for your wedding day. I hope Leigh Ann is well enough to have a super time. She was so looking forward to marrying you Steve. Lxxxxx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Mr W you are a diamond geezer (or a geezer who's found a diamond might be closer the truth!) - congrats to you both - virtual hugs and kisses across the ether. PG....x

  10. Steve-Leigh ann we just wanted send our best wishes for your wedding, I'm sure it will be an amazing day. Chris feels blessed to have worked with such a caring and wonderful person. Sending all our love to you both xxxx

  11. Leigh Ann and Steve I would just like to past on my wishes to you on this very special day...even though I have never meet Steve.... being married to this wonderful caring person is a beautiful thing.....have a wonderful day you two....Richard xxxx

  12. Dear leigh ann and steve we send our best wishes to you both have a fantastic day.we just heared today, we absolutely cant belive it, wer stunned.we send our love and more to u guys.we just remember the good times in cosmo and in el reno, wendy mark and Charlotte.x

  13. Wow, what a fabulous dress! I can't wait to see the photos. I send you my love and best wishes for a memorable day filled with joy and happiness, one without pain, a much-deserved special moment in time for all of you to cherish. With lots of love and best wishes from Juliet xoxoxox

  14. Dear Leigh.Ann--We hope you spent a wonderful wedding day!!!Congratulations!!
    Your Spanish friends-Angela y Eduardo--

  15. Ohhh Steve our wishes for you too---Angela y Eduardo

  16. Felicidades de nuevo de parte de Francis y mio por vuestra boda, esperamos que todo os sea bonito en este día tan especial para vosotros. Cada día nos acordamos de vosotros porque os echamos mucho de menos, sobre todo los domingos, cuando siempre pasábamos un rato tan agradable hablando y riéndonos con vosotros. Sois maravillosos y siempre lo seréis, Mil besos XX

  17. Cherish your special day tomorrow.....Forever !!!! X What a special couple! I wish that I could help relieve your pain !!!! XXXX

  18. oh what a beautiful dress!II saw that dress at Jackie's and I stopped to admire and swoon at it. I bet it looks beautiful and flowy on you Leigh Ann!
    Congratulation on your celebration of love!
    I'm so thankful for these updates Steve and everyone guest blogging! Sending light and love to all of you ♥♡♡♥♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  19. Hi guys

    Could you email me ( your postal address? We'd like to send a card to celebrate your wedding :)

  20. Many congratulations, we hope you had a wonderful day - sending love and hugs Jan and Cas xx

  21. Congratulations dear Leigh-Ann and Steve! Hugs from youre norwegian friends Heidi & Odd
