Thursday, November 21, 2013

35) Anorexia - 21st November

I used to sleep so soundly but now I worry. I worry about Leigh-Ann. I touch her in the night to make sure that she is still warm and then I will give her a little poke to see if she moves.

She is so thin now that anyone seeing her would think she is anorexic. She has lost about 10kg in 6 weeks! She is skin and bone.
Summer 2013

Leigh-Ann has an appetite but finds eating difficult. Her throat is sore from vomiting and her mouth is bone dry from the drugs. She has no pain but there is a price to pay for that.

The drugs also mess with her taste buds. The tastes and textures that she wants to eat change daily. One day she wants tomatoes and the next day it's peanut butter!

When she eats it is a very small quantity indeed. She probably takes in less than 2-300 calories each day and she finds that had work. 

Her pain medication was changed last night to a synthetic morphine and this morning Leigh-Ann wants to eat spare ribs! Fat, juicy, tasty spare ribs.

When she declared that she wants to put on weight and start exercising I was delighted. Her exercise goal is to walk around the dining table. That's it.

Leigh-Ann has lost so much weight and muscle that she needs assistance when walking as she has fallen a few times. We also now put her in a wheelchair to get around the house as it is quicker and safer.

She has great difficulty climbing the stairs. This simple task can take several minutes and she will often sit down for breath and energy before we reach the top. With this new drug maybe Leigh-Ann can put a bit of weight back on whilst the rest of us try to lose some!

Sometimes I forget that she is ill. I have got used to the daily routine. Things are simply what they are and we do what we have to do. Cancer is our life now.

Today is a new day with new challenges for the whole family. 


  1. Hola L-A - it´s Ian and me and Hannah finally catching up with you. Can´t believe we never knew this - didn´t get any email but that´s not important now. Remember all those years ago when you came to stay - we still laughed at your email "yay I´m coming to Spain" when we confirmed your reservation. We have become good friends and didn´t see each other as often as we should - sure wish we could see you now hun and give you a big fat hug. We said you and Steve were so good together and we got that right didn´t we? Have just read the whole blog and feel very humbled by your strength and spirit but how else would you be - incredible lady? Hannah sends hugs from UK and of course ours from your lovely Nerja are winging their way as i´m typing this. Jane, Ian & Hannah xxx

  2. The Mass last night was lovely. Lots of your friends were there to show their love an support and to pray for you both.... Hope you felt it, too.

  3. Hi Leigh-Anne has been a sunny but chilly day here in Nerja..I took Lottie for a walk on the beach and thought of you walking Delilah in the early mornings before any one was awake. The mountains look beautiful and I don't think it will be too long before they are capped with snow.
    The mass last night was very beautiful and brought together all your friends here in Nerja that is s special.
    I remember the fun times we had at Spanish with Rick and Annette..and the the cheeky beer you and I used to have afterwards putting the world to rights.
    Lots of love and hugs from Annette and I xx

  4. What do you think of smoothies with fruit, veggies & protein; that'll be great when Leigh-Ann doesn't have an appetite!!!!
