Sunday, November 24, 2013

38) Disabled Parking - 24th November

Leigh-Ann seems to have had a renaissance since the mass. She is more independent, more mobile, more energetic.

The house still ebbs and flows with visitors and family after yesterday's welcome day of solitude.

I now have a refuge in Charmaine's old bedroom where I can work, read and rest in peace without risk of being disturbed. Heaven...
Freezing by the lake

Another bright, sunny, autumn day and Leigh-Ann wanted to get outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery. I put the foot plates on the wheelchair, carried it down the front steps and we were off on a mission to the lake.

Disabled Parking is one Benefit
It was bitterly cold day with a strong breeze coming off the lake but we made it first to the garage to use the cash machine and then to the lakeside where we sat for a few minutes. It was quite an outing.

Afterwards her old friend, Joan, came over for a visit. She is "First Nations" and she brought a drum with her to sing traditional Aboriginal songs for Leigh-Ann and talk about "old times".
Leigh-Ann and Joan
Quotes of the day: "Life is so exciting!" and "I am so lucky", Leigh-Ann Wood, 24th Nov. 

How many of us can say those words with such meaning?


  1. Thank-you Steve for writing this Blog it is such a privilege to be able to follow you both day by day xx

  2. Thanks for sharing this. I was a fellow student of Leigh-Ann's and will be following with interest. All the best to you guys.

  3. I feel so good in my heart, spirit and soul after visiting with you Leigh-Ann!!!! I enjoyed every minute of sharing stories with you!!!! It was a pleasure meeting Steve your husband as well!!!! And it was great to visit with Earla & meet Michael, see Aundre again after so many years & meet his girlfriend Sarah. I also had a good visit with Leigh-Ann' Sarah as well!!!!
