Saturday, November 9, 2013

27) The (El) Prognosis - 9th November

I am going to try and write this entry first in Spanish and then in English.

Lo siento mis amigos en Espana. Intentere explicar un poquito en español también.

Tengo muy malas noticias.

Leigh-Ann tiene cancer en la pancreas, los pulmones, el higado, abdomen, el estomego, colon y nodos de la linfa. Es muy aggressiva y rapido.
On holiday in Victoria, Canada
por vacaciones en Canada

Leigh-Ann tiene pocos meses a vivir, quizá pocas semanas o meses. No sabemos exactamente. Los medicos no puede hacer nada a parte dar medicaciones para dolor.

Ella esta muy cansado por el día. No quiere hacer nada. Quiere dormir o sentar y nada mas.

Hace un mes estamos jugando padel en Neja con nuestros amigos! Con sol y cielo azul.

Pero Leigh-Ann esta feliz y aceptar la situación. Esta preocupado para su familia y sus perros. 
Leigh-Ann con su buena
amiga Mari Nieve

Leigh-Ann quiere decir "adios" a todos sus amigos en Nerja: los Espanolas, los Ingleses, a La Raqueta, Tropysol, Dolce Gusto, Chino City... pero no puede porque no poder viajar. Siempre tiene mucho dolor.

No puede regresar a Nerja.

Hay buenas noticias también. Nos vamos a casar inmediatamente cuando Leigh-Ann puede. Quiero ser su marido. 

La vida es para viviendo. Hazlo hoy, no espera por mañana.

It is the worst possible news.

The cancer has spread in Leigh-Ann's body. She has cancer in the pancreas, liver, abdomen, stomach, lungs and lymph-nodes.
Skiing in January
Esquiar en Sierra Nevada

Leigh-Ann tiene cancer en muchas sitios en su cuerpo ahora. Ella esta muy enferma y es terminal.

When we left Spain one month ago she had cancer in the pancreas and the liver.

Mountain biking in August...

It is an aggressive, unrelenting cancer. Pancreatic cancer is extremely hard to diagnose early and, even then, the chances of survival are low. Stage three and four cancers, are usually non operable.

Leigh-Ann was suffering from Stage 4 pancreatic cancer in Spain. The oncologist believes that it properly all began in June when we were last in Canada.

It is not operable and there is no cure. Now we are looking for pain management and are now waiting for an appointment with a pain management specialist next week.

Radiology is not an option because there is a necrosis below the pancreas sitting behind the small intestine. Radiology burns tissue and the burning would damage the small intestine and cause even greater problems.

*Necrosis is when the cancer cells grow too quickly and run out of blood, die and fall away. These dead cells have formed a mass below the pancreas and are causing a blockage preventing Leigh-Ann from digesting food properly.

Chemotherapy is an option but only to prolong life for an average of 3-4 weeks and the side effects may not be offset by the benefits. Having chemo is a choice for Leigh-Ann to make.

It is so terribly hard to reconcile all of this complex information but her life expectancy is about 4-5 months. This is an average projection so it could be longer, or shorter.

As always, Leigh-Ann is dignified, does not complain and is accepting of the situation. She wants to cry but is in too much pain to do so!

She is more concerned for her family and friends and myself than her own destiny. That is typical Leigh-Ann. I have total respect and admiration for her and love her very much.

Leigh-Ann has told me that what time left has to be fun. She wants to do as much as she can when she can, laugh, joke, be with family and is looking forward to getting married. "This does not have to be all doom and gloom".

The next few weeks will be very hard for everyone as she becomes weaker and loses her grip on life. A life that was full of love and laughter and fun.

If we learn anything from this for me it is not to wait to do things. Do them now as tomorrow may never come. Leigh-Ann lived her dream of living in Spain and learning Spanish. Too many people dream and never live!

Instructions for Leaving Comments
Some people were wondering how to post comments to the blog. Hope this helps! I'm not the best with this haha

You must be signed in to add a comment. If you are signed in, your name will show up at the top, right side of the blog.

If you click the "comment as" box, you have many different ways to be signed in. From the choices, I only had a google account so I'll give instructions for that way. 

Click "google account" and type in your username and password. My google account info is the same as what I use for my gmail account.


  1. Holaaaaa Leigh-Ann aquí nos acordamos mucho de ti, Francis y yo cada día hablamos de ti, porque eres una persona maravillosa que llegas al corazón de cualquiera, gracias por ser como eres. Es una suerte para nosotros haberte conocido. Gracias por compartir esa foto y poder verte a mi lado. Gracias a ti también Steve por todo. Nos alegramos mucho de que os caséis porque los dos sois personas maravillosas y solo vosotros podéis formar un gran racimo de uva, jijji. Os queremos, mil besos y un inmenso abrazo. Desde España con muchisimo amorrrr.

  2. Hi Leigh-Ann and Steve
    We have just returned to Nerja from a lovely week in Tenerife. We broke our journey in Madrid on Saturday night, and picked up your blog entry there. It's hard to know what to say, except that our thoughts are with you so much.

    We are looking forward to seeing the wedding photos!

    We first met Leigh-Ann about 6 years ago, at Cosmo in Burriana. Always a smile, always a big welcome (and sometimes a free drink, when Michel wasn't looking). When we decided to make the jump and move here, she helped us settle in. When we felt lost or adrift here, she and Steve were always an encouraging ear, and as Steve points out, always thinking more about others than herself. A truly remarkable person, and one Lou and I are so pleased to have as a friend.

    We send you our love and best wishes, though wish we could do more.

  3. Leigh-ann, I've always known you to be a go getter and optimistic person. If anyone can show those doctors what is what it's you! Please stay positive. One thing I've learned in the health field is that doctors don't know everything, and certainly cannot predict when you will die. I remember an oncology doctor that I was introduced to during my training that drastically changed my perspective on healing. Please check out this one particular article of his (and his website) here: He's witnessed amazing remissions through self expression, art, and the will to live. Please, please read! And enjoy your time, however short or long it may end up being. My thoughts are with you.

  4. Hola amigos Leigh_ann y steve... Gracias por compartir estos momentos con nosotros. Sois un ejemplo para mi... Me llena de alegría vuestra boda porque el amor entre vosotros es grande y hermoso...pocas personas pueden decir que han conocido el amor verdadero. Espero que todo salga como vosotros deseáis ... Un beso muy grande .

  5. Hola siento mucho todo lo que a pasado sólo puedo decir que me alegro de haberte conocido eres una persona realmente maravillosa un abrazo enorme

  6. My dearest, dearest Leigh-Ann and Steve.
    After receiving your email, Wendy and I have just read through your entire blog. To be truthful, initially, I was not sure that I was comfortable reading about you in this way. That feeling quickly evaporated at a very fast rate of knots as we read on.
    To say you are both stalwart and brave is an absolute and total understatement.
    It only seems like 'A few sun soaked days ago' that we were all in at the Veterinary Centre in Velez Malaga, training with you and little Sombra !
    You explained to us then that you had a medical problem and that you had to return to Canada for tests, but we never realised the seriousness of the problem.
    It goes without saying that we are both 'rocked to our very roots' with what we have just read.
    You may be thousands of miles away, but the truth is, our love and thoughts are with you, right now and for always. We may have not known you for long, but long enough to know that we both had a mutual and instant liking for you, because you are such a likeable person.
    At sixty three years of age, one would think that I would have had sufficient practice to be prepared for all eventualities and know exactly what to say. The truth however, is quite different. All I can say is that we are there for you, our love is there for you, our thoughts and sentiments are there for you. If there is anything, ANYTHING we can do / help you with, you need only hint. If it is within our power, it will be done.
    I echo the sentiments in the posting above, Wendy lost six babies before our daughter survived. There was a queue of doctors that said she would never carry a child successfully, she is hugging our daughter right now, explaining why she is upset and what a wonderful lady you are. Tears fill her eyes, as do mine. Our hearts are heavy, but not lost, love can conquer all, our daughter is living proof. Keep bravely fighting, when all seems lost, seek comfort in love. I am old enough to know that will not fail. Keep safe, God bless, all our love,
    Allen & Wendy.

  7. Hello Leigh-Ann:

    That is alot of news to take in all at once. I've been really busy making drums, going to conferences as a vendor, I went to a potlatch last weekend in Comox, I've been working at the hospital Mon-Fri and this evening has been an evening to up with emails!!!!

    I've just read your entire BLOG and have gotten caught up on what's been going on since you sent me you email on Facebook!!!!

    There are no rules for dealing with death and dying. I'm happy that you and Steve have talked about your Bucket List. Steve's definitely bang on when he says don't wait to do things in our lives!!!! I can definitely tell he's got an English accent by his writing too!!!! Steve it comes out in your writing as well!!!! You have a writing English accent on top of your vocal English Accent!!!!

    The Creator has plans for each and every one of us. We all know that one day we're going to die, we just don't know exactly when that time is going to come or exactly the moment that it's going to happen!!!! We just know that it's going to happen!!!!

    I'm so happy to see that you are surrounded by you loving family in right now on your journey, love is truly what makes the world go round.

    When Sarah wrote about the Big Cry, I had a good cry as well after I read it. It's not an easy feeling knowing that your friend that you've known since you were 13 years old is going to die!!!!

    From reading you're BLOG, I can see that you've touch so many lives on your journey in your life so far. You have so many friends and family that love you dearly. That's what life is all about, is making those connections.

    You've been a big part of affecting people's lives and changing their lives forever and you've done it with love yourself!!!!

    I've been sitting here reflecting on all the different things that I've witnessed since I've known you; from band camp in Vernon, BC, marching on the parade square, marching with those pith helmets on hot summer days; eating cherries till we were sick to our stomachs in Vernon, Sarah your daughter, who talks and sounds exactly like you, she even has some of your expressions!!!!! Going to Estevan, Saskatchewan and hearing a live band for the first time, was it country dancing that we did there? Snowmobiling for the first time, swimming at what's the name of the lake in Vernon? Kalamalka Lake!!!! Visiting you in Chilliwack when you lived there. You visiting me when I lived in Seattle; going out for coffee with you when you came to Victoria!!!! You moving to Spain to learn Spanish and loving it so much you stayed!!!! All your dog stories with the dogs you've had!!!!

    Just all these memories have gone through my head since I've been reading your BLOG!!!!

    I'm with you on this journey, I'm scared too, I pray for you every day, I love you and am sending big hugs to you!!!!!

    One day at a time, one minute at a time sometimes as well!!!!
