Tuesday, November 19, 2013

34) Guest Blogs - Felicity - Earla - 19th November

Felicity's Guest Blog

We are here for a reason. What does it take for us to realise that? The quicker we understand that, the less likely we will pass with regrets.

This could be at the expense of somebody else; to see such a wonderful lady, dying peacefully and gracefully has been a valuable experience. Let's not waste time unnecessarily. 

Let's embrace each and every day as if it were our last. To be thankful for the tiny gifts that God gives us.

God gives life, lessons and love. These may be hard to see or even understand especially when we have daily issues that cloud our minds.

Let's not be ruled by money and rules. Let's not be unhappy or ungrateful as there are many human beings who would swap places for a sip of water in exchange for poverty and disease.

Let's achieve what we want to achieve and let's laugh like we want to laugh. Let our angels guide us to listen to our instincts and to not live in fear.

The Kreager-Wood family are now joined globally.

Earla's Guest Blog

How beautiful it is to do nothing and then rest after. - Spanish Proverb

I found that Spanish proverb many years ago while creating art cards and it has since become a favorite of mine because it rings true. On the card, I accompanied a garden scene of a ladybug sitting on a daisy with the quote as it expressed life so wonderfully simple - to just sit and be in nature can be beautiful.

Mount Cheam in the Spring
Yesterday, I had the best day yet with my beautiful sister and during our 'doing nothing then resting afterwards' Leigh-Ann and I laughed and agreed how true that quote was. We lazed all morning on their bed; we talked off and on, read emails and blog comments from friends, sent off wedding photos. Leigh-Ann talked about how she woke up so chipper, told me it's the best she's felt since arriving in Harrison then two hours later, the medication kicks in and she feels all drugged up while drifting in and out of conversation. 

Leigh-Ann talked of being concerned 'there were others waiting to take her elsewhere'. I agreed with her that she's not ready to go yet she appeared to hold onto the bedside table to ground herself. Her pain is being managed, she's enjoying her family close and connecting with friends; she is definitely not ready to be led elsewhere just yet.

Mount Cheam sunset
She asked 'Can you hold my hand?', I'd loved to, so warm. She explained the hard time she has when focusing or sleeping because of the heavy medication. I asked her to imagine in her mind's eye a nice spot in nature, somewhere we had been before. We agreed being on Mount Cheam is a great place to picture ourselves when our thoughts started to drift. I described to her what I visualize in all my meditations - being in a mountain meadow with long grass and blue sky. Leigh-Ann laughed while remembering the little mountain stream we sat beside so many years ago to dip our feet in. Still a bit restless, I got out my IPod from my basket nearby, and we each listened to the same meditational music, an earplug for each of us sisters. After a bit, Leigh-Ann smelt Mom's stew cooking and motivated to get some sun, we drove to find some eagles to see.

Today has been another laze-in day, all day today. Leigh-Ann started morning with tea in bed, enjoying her mail - wedding cards from Spain. She rested first on the front porch basking in the sunshine and is now on the couch. The handmade quilt gently rises and slowly falls; the house is mercifully quiet - young folk out for a drive, brother and husband both type/work, clothes dryer has finished spinning. I hope we can again sit family style for Mom's stew supper while my sister enjoys one of her favorite dishes. Maybe we'll have guitar music like last night for dessert. We'll see.
Mount Cheam - Morning sun

Meanwhile, I'd like to remind our Canadian family and friends that the Mass at Iglesia El Salvador Church in Nerja, Spain on Thursday 21st November will be at 1pm BC time. I hope that all her friends and our family can 'tune in', go into nature to 'be', or just rest. Think of Leigh-Ann and her beautiful smile.


  1. Felicity what words of wisdom. I learnt many years ago through the same expeience how valuable and tender life is. He was only in my life for a short time but through this I learnt to try and live life to the full and make a difference. People do come into our lives for a reason all be it for a short time and it is what we learn from this that makes the difference. Love to you all xx

  2. It is too bad that we need to be reminded of this.....nicely written. Thanks for your thoughts.

  3. So beautifully said Felicity. I also believe people come into our lives for a reason. I have known Leigh Ann for 6 yrs. she is a beautiful remarkable lady and will leave her mark for the better on many people who have. Been lucky enough to have known her whatever part big or small they have played in her life

  4. My most endearing memory of my time with Leigh-Ann is the Giggles that we had; learning Spanish for me, of a logical bent, has been an interesting exercise, one I shared with Leigh-Ann and Basel, in the early days of my arrival in Spain. We had such Giggles, which definitely helped me to overcome the logical side of my brain; in particular, I remember Leigh-Ann confusing the use of calor and caliente and the added heat of a blush following the mistake, lol Uve doble was another which made Leigh-Ann and me laugh. All such nonsense, but such good fun we had. I learned about generosity when Leigh-Ann helped me prepare my new venture not once, but twice by picking up a paintbrush. I just know that the Angels waiting in the wings will have smiles on their faces, anticipating a beautiful new spirit joining their forces and hope that Leigh-Ann will be one of the waiting spirits when my time comes. Lots of love. xoxoxox

  5. So sad ! Yet so beautifully put, not one day goes by without you both in my thoughts ! Enjoy each other and your family as you so obviously are !!! XXX
