Sunday, December 29, 2013

62) Spirits - 29th December

Leigh-Ann saw "spirits" in her bedroom today.

It was shortly after a meditation "guided" by her long time friend, Irene. Sarah and Earla were also present. A few minutes later Leigh-Ann suddenly sat "bolt upright" and pointed towards the end of the bed and said with great clarity that she could see spirits. Lots of them.

Yes, I was at the meditation. As a "Med" virgin I did not know what to expect but Irene's words were poetic and soothing. That's good enough for me. The bedroom was calm and peaceful. Yes, okay! I found it beneficial. I admit it. Are you happy now?

Leigh-Ann and Sombra - September 2013
Leigh-Ann is no longer able to swallow and has stopped drinking and eating. This is a perfectly normal progression at the end of life. It is very hard for me to see her lying in bed with her mouth half open and her eyes partially closed sleeping and occasionally moaning.

But when she looks at you there is a smile in her eyes and on her face. Her smiling eyes say everything when she is unable to speak. She continues to brighten the room.

I lay next to her for hours thinking about all the adventures, sports and travel which we have enjoyed during our short time together: running, cycling, padel, Australia, Bali, Italy, England, Canada, touring Spain and our honeymoon in Maui. I am so thankful for the time I have spent with her.

At the same time I think about all the times when I wasn't so nice to her. There weren't many but there were some. How I regret those times now...

It has been an incredible journey, a wonderful two years.

Just a moment ago Leigh-Ann woke, gave me a gentle hug and a kiss and then flopped back on her pillow. She is still loves me!

Tomorrow we will take Leigh-Ann to the hospice where she will receive the best care and we can all simply enjoy being with her.


  1. Dear Steve and Leigh Ann,
    Just want to say how much I admire you both for your courage with what you are facing.
    I know there must be times Steve ( as you said in yesterday's blog ) when you don't feel strong when you struggle so much and want to go off and sing sea shanties!
    I have nothing but love and admiration for you both how you are coping with a truly awful situation.
    I know that the hospice will make you more comfortable Leigh Ann and they are peaceful places.
    Is it far from your home ?
    Sending my love to you guys

  2. I wanted to make sure you know how much I appreciate your beautifully real and eloquent updates on what is happening for you guys. I truly admire the courage you have to capture what is happening in the care team's day to days and Leigh Ann's unimaginable journey. It brings tears to my eyes to think how your family has faced all this with the humor and flexibility to learn as you go. Seriously amazing! Leigh Ann I send you love and light as you move into your new place, and wishing you all the comfort and peace in the world. I am so greatful you have Sarah as a daughter, my most wonderful, hilarious and loving friend who you did an exceptional job as her Mom.
    Take care you guys

  3. In just a few short days, since I popped in here, so much has happened! Steve, you are truly courageous with all the human frailties that we all have; I admire and am in awe of your dedication, along with that of Leigh-Ann's family. Such love comes through your words and I feel blessed to have been allowed to share Leigh-Ann's final weeks. I have been lucky enough to share some IMs via FB, had a good girlie giggle with Leigh-Ann, been encouraged by her wise words and wisdom. It breaks my heart to know that she will no longer be in Nerja when I pay it a visit, in fact it will be sometime before I feel able to go and visit the place; I can only imagine your grief and that of her family. Please give Leigh-Ann a gentle hug and kiss from me, I will be most grateful. Love and light to you all. xxx

  4. Sending love and hugs to all of you through this very tough time!!!!
    You all have done your very best in caring for Leigh-Ann in this time of her life!!!! Yes she will be getting the best of care in the Hospice facility!!!!

    You're doing your best all of you and making some big decisions right now!!!!

    love, Joani
