Thursday, December 19, 2013

54) Pills, pills, pills - 19th December

I am in charge of Leigh-Ann's medication. 

I make sure that she does not run out and also that she takes what she needs either as scheduled or as the situation demands.

Some of Harrison's Xmas Lights
This was quite daunting at first but now I feel like a Pharmacist. I know what, when and how and also the weird and wonderful names that pharmaceutical companies concoct to make drugs sound more scientific and effective!

"Okay guys, what shall we call this new drug?" "Oxymoranathan? Phonomanenema? Phloxydoctorine?" "We need to call it something that only trained pharmacists can remember and that gives it extra value so we can charge more!"

We do have faith in the drugs prescribed. For some reason we have total confidence that the Canadian authorities would only approve safe, effective medicines. Canadians are like that, super conservative. Naive? Maybe, but what choice do we have anyway.

Leigh-Ann has quite a cocktail cabinet of drugs...

Each morning she takes six pills, one liquid medication, one powder (diluted in water). During the day she takes a further four pills and then in the evening the same as in the morning (less one powder but plus one extra pill).

Electricity is Cheap here!
In addition she has fast acting pain medication that she can take whenever she feels pain. In an average day she will intake around 20-24 pills plus liquid medication and powders.

The drugs are for pain, anti nausea, digestion and sleep! 

The good news is that they work. (Most of the time).

Dr Bull, her Pain Management Specialist visited today and increased the dosage of the pain medication but assured us that Leigh-Ann is still on a low dosage in comparison to other patients.

I collected the new prescription from the local Pharmacy. Our new friend, Mohammed, the Pharmacist, gave us a box of chocolates for Xmas! All Pharmacists should be like Mohammed...

1 comment:

  1. Continue the good work Steve you are doing brilliantly. I'm so glad her medications are working even though they are difficult to pronounce. I'm off to Spain on Sunday Leigh Anne for Xmas week. I hope you manage to have a super Xmas with all your family. I will continue to follow your blog .... Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and sign in to see how you are doing. The Xmas lights look fabulous .. Don't think I will see any houses like that in Frigiliana. Hugs and kisses winging their way to you. Lx
