Monday, October 21, 2013

5) A Reality Check - Sunday 20th October

For the first time since getting the results just over one week ago Leigh-Ann talked about where she wants to be if the doctors are not able to operate.

It's a question that I had been asking myself but afraid to bring up as it sounds too negative, too final.

It actually cleared the air being able to talk about such a "finality". In a way it now means that almost no topic is "off limits" and we do not have to be overly sensitive about what we talk about.

Anyway, the answer was "Spain". 

The problem is that Spain is a long way from Canada and her family and Canadian friends. A bigger problem is that she is Canadian and would not get free health care in Spain.

The question for me is what do I do? I own an apartment in Nerja and have a five year contract to rent the house we live in. We also have three dogs in Spain. My business is based in the UK and with an 8 hour time difference it would be very hard to run it effectively from Canada.

It would be a tough decision but we are not at that point and may never be at the point of having to make these decisions.

Handmade Canadian Waffles for Breakfast
Earla and husband, Michel
In the evening we went into Chilliwack to see "We're the Millers" starring Jennifer Anniston as a stripper turned international drug smuggler. It was a great film, very funny and highly recommended.

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