Saturday, October 19, 2013

4) Waiting - Saturday 19th October

The problem with waiting is that you can easily dwell on the negative. Too much time to think is not good so I try to keep Leigh-Ann as occupied as possible.

A good example is last night when we were trying to remember which dance movie starred Patrick Swayze? Was it Flash dance or Dirty Dancing and something else? This seemed like a safe topic...

I then stupidly looked up his profile on Wikipedia to get the answer and we read the first line to discover that he had died of pancreatic cancer within one year of being diagnosed!

When you are staying with family you don't have the same freedom as you do at home. Her sister has given us use of their second car but my licence has expired and Leigh-Ann is usually too tired to want to drive so we remain reliant upon rides. Coupled with staying in a very small village a long way from anywhere limits our options.

Despite these drawbacks we have kept busy so far and have avoided any morbid conversation. 
Waiting at the Doctor's Surgery in Agassiz

Our early morning job is now always replying to emails from friends and family after which we went shopping in Chilliwack with Leigh-Ann's sister, Earla, followed by a bit of baby sitting her great nephew, 9 month old Fraser (named after the Fraser Valley)!

Leigh-Ann is now in constant pain. A sharp, stabbing pain which seems to move around her torso from her stomach to her back. The pain makes it hard to sleep and the lack of food to provide her with energy compounds the problem.

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